A bright smile once again

a masterplan that connects three separate exploitations and a new construction into one integral boutique hotel

about the project

This masterplan connects three plots and two existing hostel locations at the Witte de Withstraat with a new construction at its corner. Totalling 15 hotel rooms and 7 hotel appartements, the plan reduces the total number of beds and rooms compared to the existing situation, while significantly increasing their size and quality. A bike shop in the ground floor adds further value to the neighbourhood.

This masterplan connects three plots and two existing hostel locations at the Witte de Withstraat with a new construction at its corner. Totalling 15 hotel rooms and 7 hotel appartements, the plan reduces the total number of beds and rooms compared to the existing situation, while significantly increasing their size and quality. A bike shop in the ground floor adds further value to the neighbourhood.

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hotel_rotterdam_6-star_witte de with_tourist
hotel_rotterdam_6-star_witte de with_tourist
hotel_rotterdam_6-star_witte de with_tourist

an "urban bridge"

Not unlike a dental bridge restoring a missing tooth, the project fills a long-empty space in Rotterdam's Witte de Withstraat's streetscape. The design integrates several neighbouring properties into a stronger and cohesive whole, restoring the 'smile' of the street.

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hotel_rotterdam_6-star_witte de with_tourist

a thoughtful blend

The new corner building mirrors the surrounding structures in height and form, yet introduces a fresh, contemporary style. This design approach was welcomed heartfully by the city's 'Welstandscommissie', factoring in the municipalities approval for the plan during the process of - even though it originally deviated from the local zoning plan.

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hotel_rotterdam_6-star_witte de with_tourist
hotel_rotterdam_6-star_witte de with_tourist
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Contact us to start your project.

We create spaces and like to explore new ways of working together. Getting a better understanding of human dynamics.

Maarten Polkamp

Maarten Polkamp


+31 (0)10 8865093
Sander van Schaik

Sander van Schaik


+31 (0)10 8865092


'Op de hill'
'Op de hill'

'Op de hill'

a Brightside in-house development of seven high quality, energy-efficient homes

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